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Indy Southside Beekeepers Club - Volunteer Sign Up

Vickie TROUT -
We have 2 events fast approaching that the Club needs volunteer workers, plus one more on the horizon. Please put these on your calendar and let me know your availability. We will finalize volunteers for the Wanamaker Old Settler's Day Street Fair at our meeting on June 6th.
1. We need 8-10 workers for the Wanamaker Old Settler's Day Street Fair on June 25th. Set up time is 8:30 am and it closes at 4 and take down takes about 30 minutes. You can sell honey at our booth, but you have to be present to do so. We can do shifts from 8:30 - 12:30 and noon to 4:30. If that doesn't work for you, a couple of hours in the middle of the day is very helpful so people can take a break. Please me an email and let me know when you can work.
2. We need 20 volunteers for the Beekeepers of Indiana State Fair Booth on August 10th. You get a free ticket into the fair and the Club pays your parking. This is another great time for new beekeepers. There is always something to do in the booth, even if you aren't comfortable talking about beekeeping. Shifts are usually 8:30 - 3:00 and 2:30 - 9:00. If that doesn't work for you, let me know what does. I'll have a sign up sheet at the June meeting.
3. It's not too early to think about the Southeastway Bug Fest on August 27th, Set up begins at noon. The event runs 1-5. You can sell your honey here if you are present. This is a big event. We need 8-10 volunteers. It is free admission for workers, you can bring your family and let them do the experience while you talk about beekeeping. Again, a great time for new beekeepers.
Thanks, Vickie


Re: Indy Southside Beekeepers Club - Volunteer Sign Up

Kelly Robertson -
Would anyone be interested in this?
Looks like a colony moved in around the electrical outlet. This is at Brookville church in New Pal.


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