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Fwd: Swarm Catchers

Vickie TROUT -
If you have a swarm in your yard, call one of the Indy Southside Beekeepers Club members on our Swarm Team. We have members around southern and southeastern Marion county, northern Johnson, southwest Hancock and northwest Shelby counties.
This is a honeybee swarm -
This is a honeybee -
This is NOT a honeybee -
Keep a safe distance and take a couple of pictures. Give one of us a call.
Jeff 317-348-0496 (evenings and weekends)
Rachael 317-238-0709 (evenings and weekends)
Linda 317-418-3031
Steve 317-412-1674
Mark 317-997-6896 (evenings and weekends)
Vickie 317-626-8227


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